Symbolfoto* (c) Alamy
Process description:
Basic concept is to regulate the rewinding of paper rolls using an inspection window to locate errors. A control panel with a wind forward and wind backward function is therefore integrated as a special feature.
The paper roll is clamped into the unwinder, which is regulated by the torque. In addition the speed is influenced by dancer roll control. A trigger drive placed in the center of the machinerie serves the master speed of the system.
An additional inspection window allows the visual control of the paper unit.
The paper roll can be shortened or divided with an integrated cutting unit.
Controller Information:
Reel motors, regulated on web tension and roll diameter, additional provision using dancer roll control.
Web tension and dancer type pressure are variable depending on the machine speed.
Machine data:
Speed: 680 rpm
Roll width: 2000 mm
Drive technology:
drive systems produced by Lenz.
Automatisation and HMI:
The controller solution was implemented using S7-200SP CPU on STEP 7.
About 370 digital and 10 analogue discrete I/O´s are used.
A Siemens 17“ touch panel serves as the HMI for the extensive parameter settings.
IAS tasks:
Commissioning partly using completed and external software
Adapted control and workflow/controller design
Integration of safety functions into software
Optimized prozess and sequence control including the operating comfort
Integration of locking units to ensure safety of the motion sequences