Interface management/sequence control

Interface management as a quality and cost factor

In recent years, interface management has become increasingly important for automation and control technologies. It plays a central role not only for new installations, but also for the utilisation of existing systems. Here, the precise collection and recording of data and plans (e.g. building services) is just as important as the programming and controlling of central systems and functions, all the while coordinating effectively with the existing infrastructure.

At IAP-Projektmanagement, we have a reputation as being the specialists not only for designing new automation processes, but also for the implementation and integration of alternative processes, upgrades and modifications to existing systems. Regardless of whether the goal is modernisation or increased efficiency, IAP-Salcher delivers qualitative, custom and cost-effective solutions using proven know-how executed by top technicians in the industry.

In September 2018, Austria´s biggest daily newspaper, the Kronen Zeitung, published an interesting online article on the importance of interface management.

IAS Ing. Salcher GmbH
St. Veiter Strasse 20
A-8046 Graz